Highfi.me — Support your Web3 customers at scale

Picture with desktop & mobile landing page design
Highfi.me desktop & mobile landing page design

Hifi.me is a customer support service CRM platform for Web3 products. The aim is to improve relationships between technical businesses and not-so-technical users with excellent customer support systems. Providing flexible and scalable solutions for any business that aims to conquer Web3 space.

Highfi.me dashboard on desktop and mobile
Desktop dashboard and mobile version of it

The company side of the product mostly lives in the form of a dashboard. That is as well responsive to give employees mobility. In the dashboard, you can find all customer conversations and follow up on the progress of each problem. Additional to the web3 space, you can see data from contracts and wallets directly in the conversation view.

Highfi.me chat widget on mobile
Chat widget on mobile and widget component scaled

Plug-and-play widget for your website or product, accessible via mobile as well. Simple interface to allow customers to submit and access conversations about their problems.

Giving your customers a chance to log in via wallet and access previous conversations. Plus allowing to add pictures and files to conversations to resolve issues faster.